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The PSC Shooting Club, Inc. was founded in 1966 and it is one of the finest shooting clubs in Texas. It is also one of the largest, if not the largest, serving over 3,000 Members as well as the community. Club facilities include a “position” rifle range, a bench-rest rifle range, .22 rimfire range for rifle and pistol, numerous pistol cells and pistol bays, air gun range, shotgun ranges and even an archery range. Club facilities are available to members during regular hours seven days a week. Special events including numerous matches, educational programs and other specialty events are open to the public.

Education and training are the backbone of safe and responsible use of firearms. PSC serves its Members and the community by offering various specialty programs as well as formal classes, clinics and seminars. These include but are not limited to the PSC Women’s Program, and PSC Juniors Program as well as numerous seminars and training classes from basic handgun to more advanced handgun and rifle classes.

Matches are a great way to hone skills, make new friends and simply have fun.  That's why PSC offers monthly IDPA, USPSA, NRA rifle, and silhouette matches. Whether you shoot to compete or simply to improve your skill at arms, Club monthly matches provide great opportunities and comradery.

While educational and match events are a big part of Club life, the majority of our Members use PSC facilities for informal shooting. This includes “plinking” for fun, practicing for matches, training for self-defense and simply letting a family member or friend try out a gun they are thinking about buying.

PSC has a standing long-term planning committee that is dedicated to constant improvement of Club facilities. As new ranges are added, additional shooting opportunities become available. Additional training facilities have been designed and construction have been completed on some projects.  Other projects will begin in the coming months. These include a “shoot house,” additional pistol ranges/cells and a covered pistol range with computer-controlled running and turning targets.

PSC is far more than just a gun range, it is a club in the truest sense. The new clubhouse provides an opportunity for more social events for Members and their guests. While education, training, competition and informal shooting are fun and beneficial, combining these activities with social events with others transforms a shooting range into a club. It provides a gathering place for people to visit and enjoy fellowship with others who share common interests. The new clubhouse not only expands educational opportunities, it is the site of varies types of social events for kids and adults alike.

PSC membership is capped at a level that allows Members to have access to Club facilities without undue delay.  New membership slots are equal to the number of peopel who do not renew their membership annually.  Typically, this around 300 people.  Thanks for your interest in the Shooting Club, Inc.